Improving Health Through Clinical Research
Who We Are
Qualmedica Research is a multi-site clinical research company offering clinical trials in Indiana and Kentucky, USA.
We have provided high quality, compliant research since 1996. Our goal is to deliver exceptional service to drug sponsors, collaborative project support to physicians and CROs, and empathetic care to our patient volunteers.
Our mission is to enable better health for patients that will benefit from new or improved drugs. We partner with physicians and sponsors to bring therapeutics to market that are safe, effective, and meaningful to a patient’s quality of life. We are dedicated to improving health through research.
Qualmedica Research has experience conducting phase II, III, and IV clinical trials across a comprehensive list of conditions. Our customer list includes more than 100 pharmaceutical companies and CROs.
Phase II, III, and IV clinical trials including the following services:
Clinical Operations
Regulatory interaction and documentation
Study oversight and coordination
Subject recruitment
Subject enrollment and informed consent
Subject randomization and dosing
Medical care
Electronic Data Capture
Reporting and documentation (case report forms)
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